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Edinburgh Airport Reviews

3.5 Rating 1,388 Reviews
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Official reviews page for Edinburgh Airport, where Scotland meets the world.

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0131 357 6337


Edinburgh Airport, Ingliston
EH12 9DN

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Edinburgh Airport 5 star review on 17th June 2017
Edinburgh Airport 5 star review on 16th June 2017
Edinburgh Airport 1 star review on 16th June 2017
Edinburgh Airport 5 star review on 15th June 2017
Edinburgh Airport 5 star review on 13th June 2017
Edinburgh Airport 2 star review on 12th June 2017
Edinburgh Airport 2 star review on 12th June 2017
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Bad experience with assistance. I had to carry my wife in the wheelchair, nobody assist us
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Posted 7 years ago
1. Long queues at security with only tow gates open. 2. Went to lounge since flight was delayed until 23.00 and discovered that it closed at 20.30.
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Posted 7 years ago
Wie bereits beschrieben haben wir die Whiskyflasche in Frankfurt abgeben müssen weil die Mitarbeiterin von Ihnen sie nicht in eine Tüte verpackt hat. Bitte lesen Sie meine Ausführungen in der Bewertung und teilen Sie mir bitte mit, wie wir die Angelgenheit regeln können. Gruß Christine Richter
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Posted 7 years ago
Flight to Stanstead from gate 32 was a shambles. 3 flights leaving from 3 gates close by. No one controlled the queues which meant people were all pushing past to get to the gate. Staff were completely oblivious to.what was going on
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Posted 7 years ago
Arrived for 7am flight to Birmingham in plenty of time. Had already checked in and immediately proceeded to security which took over an hour and only got to the Departure Gate at last boarding call.
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Posted 7 years ago
Long queues everywhere
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Posted 7 years ago
Issues with check in machines Huge queues at security
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Posted 7 years ago
Security is a farce. Travel through every week and you are going backwards with security. Access roads need sorted - sitting in a traffic jam at 5.30am is ridiculous!
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Posted 7 years ago
What's with the parking system, cars are parking on the approach roads, Parking fees that seem to ratchet up pretty fast. Hire Car drop off and pick-up within the dedicated pick-up area. passengers looking for taxis wandering all over the drop off area, lost and confused. Cars staying in the drop off bays, such that passengers are alight on the centre of the road. PS I'm a taxi driver from St Andrews doing regular drop off and pick-ups..... big piss off is your police moving taxi drivers away from the only flight information board at the coach park. would be nice if app said "baggage at Carcelle" which is my trigger to go to the pick-up area - that gets me in and out quicker so cheaper for me and more cars through for you
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Posted 7 years ago
Easy check in
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Posted 7 years ago
Transferring from EasyJet to Logan was not at all easy, the bag drop was not intuitive and most staff at desks etc. were disinclined to offer much help.
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Posted 7 years ago
On Sunday, 14th May, we boarded our EasyJet flight to Amsterdam and sat on the plane for over an hour. We then had to vacate the plane and leave the airport, come back in again and go through security for a 2nd time as there had been a security breach at the airport. This resulted in an almost 3 hour delay to our journey. We should have arrived in Amsterdam at 10.15 but it was 2am by the time we arrived. At that time public transport was scare and my friend and I paid 140 euros between us for taxis home. I understand that security must be taken very seriously especially in these times and am always willing to cooperate and am happy to see that protocols are being observed for our safety. I'm just not sure exactly what went wrong and would appreciate an explanation just for my understanding of why this happened. Best regards, Anne McGuigan
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Posted 7 years ago
The immigration officer was rude. People were not nice.
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Posted 7 years ago
Security hall a frustrating, uncomfortable tediuos procedure as is frequently the case at Edinburgh. Poorly designed and laid out. The floored number system at the items for x-ray trays means you often get to share the bad day the person in front of you is having. The distance between you and your valuables is easily the further of any airport. The staff are almost always under intense pressure and struggling to cope with the volume of passengers present. Don't know what the answer is to be fair but may require complete overhaul and redesign of the hall itself
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Posted 7 years ago
Was super tired after an 8+ hour flight travelling with a toddler.There were stairs to get to immigration this was difficult as I had a hand luggage as well. It was quite hard trying to control both my kid and negotiate the flight of stairs with the luggage
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Posted 7 years ago
The signposts for check in were not clear. Checking through the hand luggage was nothing short of chaos. Too many people trying to get access at the same time.
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Posted 7 years ago
Security hall was very very busy and not a particularly pleasant experience on outward journey. Passport control similar on return. Bus from plane (easyJet) to terminal was absolutely packed, no ventilation, very slow and stationary at times, limited seating. Probably 15 minutes journey plus. Feeling faint by end, now have chest virus - possibly due to unventilated and tightly packed bus.
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Posted 7 years ago
Dropped off by taxi and found it confusing to make our way to terminal. I fly through various airports about 8 times per year and don't normally have this problem. Ended up having to walk on a roadway. Screens indicating check-in desks are small and not immediately obvious. On our return we had to wait 40 minutes for our baggage to appear on the belt. No one provided an explanation/update or apology. By contrast, immigration/passport facility was very efficient. I'm Scottish but I felt anyone visiting this country would find the arrival facilities dingy
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Posted 7 years ago
A complete disorganised free-for-all at the security gates. People were stressed, angry and anxious at the time it was taking to pass through. It was not the security gates themselves or the staff at the gates. It was the fact that there was no apparent coordination, funnelling or effective guidance to people trying to get to a security gate or conveyor. I am a frequent international traveller(monthly). I have passed through many second and third world countries never have I come across this level of disorganisation. This is my second or third time through Edinburgh and it has been the same experience each time. Now I remember why I travel through Glasgow when coming to and going from Scotland.
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Posted 7 years ago
Had to wait for about 40 mins on the apron as we had to wait for another plane to be towed awY from the parking space. Followed by a further wait of almost an hour waiting to get through passport control. Not good
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Posted 7 years ago
Edinburgh Airport is rated 3.5 based on 1,388 reviews